Our research on AR application of the manufacturing won the first place award in 6th annual graduate poster competition with Electrical & Computer Engineering department.
Author: Tu, Jiachen
Tianyu Zhu and Yuting Sun join SPS Lab
Welcome two new Phd students: Tianyu Zhu and Yuting Sun join SPS Lab.
Professor Zhang and Yishu attended CASE
Professor Zhang and Yishu Bai attended 15th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering held at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada from August 22th to 26th. They both made presentations for papers on the conference. What’s more, Yishu gave a presentation in competition for the Best Student Paper Award.
Two papers accepted for presentation at CASE 2019
Two papers titled “An Accurate and Robust Algorithm for Performance Evaluation of Exponential Serial Lines with Finite Buffers” and “Dynamic Bottleneck in Serial Production Lines with Bernoulli Machines” are accepted by the 15th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering held at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Especially, The former one has been selected as a finalist for the Best Student Paper Award.
Mengzhuo Yang finished her master defence
Mengzhuo yang defended her master thesis successfully today. Congratulations!
Wish Mengzhuo all the best in the future.