Professor Zhang’s paper on Smart Production Systems was awarded the Commended Paper Award of the 9th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IISE/INFORMS Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019), Berlin Germany.
Author: Zhang, Liang
New paper submitted to IISE Transactions
Yishu Bai, Jiachen Tu and Mengzhuo Yang submitted their first journal paper to IISE Transactions for consideration of publication. The paper is on a new improvement aggregation for performance metric calculation in serial production lines with exponential machines. Congratulations! Hope the review process is smooth and constructive. Good luck!
Yishu Bai and Jiachen Tu join SPS Lab.
Professor Liang Zhang attended IEEE CASE’18 in Munich, Germany
Professor Liang Zhang attended the 14th annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2018) in Munich, Germany, August 20 to 24, 2018. He presented the paper “Transients of Synchronous Serial Production Lines with Non-Exponential Reliability Machines” co-authored by Mengzhuo Yang, Liang Zhang and Peter Denno.
Professor Liang Zhang visited DGIST, South Korea
Professor Liang Zhang visited DGIST, South Korea, from July 12 to July 20. He gave two seminars, “Production Systems Engineering in Action: Case Studies and Applications” and “New Advances in Production Systems Engineering: Transient Performance Analysis” and collaborated with faculty and students in theoretical research and industrial applications.
Weiji Han defended his PhD thesis and accepted an post-doc job offer
Weiji Han successfully defended his PhD thesis “System Modeling, Performance Evaluation, and Control of Battery System Charge Balance” on Apr. 25 and has recently accepted a post-doc job offer from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, to continue his research in the area of battery systems. Congratulations, Dr. Han!